Benefits of Sound & Energy Healing
Sound and energy healing sessions will benefit people who wish to relax from the daily stress of life, as well as those ready to move into a deeper space of healing and balance within.
Connect with your own true and natural wisdom, your ability for healing relief from stress & access the Joy that lives within you.
Benefits include…
Boost immunity and reduce the risk of illness
Balance and harmony of mind and body
Easy, peaceful meditation
Calms chronic stress, chronic fatigue and relieves chronic pain
Boosts mental energy
Reduces anger
Allows emotional release, leaving you feeling lighter emotionally
Assists with clearing anxiety and worry
Provides grounding support for recovery from trauma
Helps recovery from depression
Relaxes the body by activating the parasympathetic nervous system
Improves sleep and helps alleviate insomnia
Decreases pain (physical and psychological)
Stimulates healing - relaxes muscles, decreased muscular tension and bone pain - The impact of sound is 5x more powerful in the body
Balances chakra energy centres in the body, cleanses the aura/bio-energy field
Helps unblock stuck or stagnant areas
Raises your energetic vibration to attract more joy in your life
Keep healthy with a regular diet of audio-vitamins:
Everyone knows that we need to ingest good food full of vitamins and minerals to keep healthy. In the same way, we need a balanced diet of sounds to help us keep healthy. Sound is energy made up of frequencies which we can think of as vitamins which we ingest through our ears.
Every day we are listening to sounds. Some sounds are a delight that we enjoy. However, there are often challenging sounds, which we unconsciously tune out. Examples might be an irritating / noisy electrical device, constant traffic, a nagging voice, or when we experience trauma at a physical / emotional level.
We risk becoming sound-deficient which can have a serious effect on the health of body, mind and soul in profound and unimagined ways. Disharmony leads to stress which ultimately leads to dis-ease. This could be at a physical level, but equally emotionally, mentally or spiritually in the form of headaches, muscle aches, stress, depression, anxiety and sleeplessness.
Chronic sound deprivation contributes to chronic stress, chronic fatigue and ultimately chronic pain. A regular, monthly dose of sound healing is recommended as treatment.
Frequency + Intention = Healing
Contra Indications:
Sound Healing is subtle yet powerful and is therefore contraindicated for people diagnosed with severe epilepsy or with a pacemaker, advanced stages of cancer, cancer tumours diagnosed within 3 months, having had surgery within 3 months and in the first trimester of pregnancy. If you have metal implants, it is not recommended that you experience on body sound treatments. Please discuss with Ren@Zen should you have any concerns.