Biodanza is available as a private group event - please contact Ren@Zen to enquire further.
Biodanza Dance Therapy
As you attend regular classes, you will discover a new way of living – of confidence in your day and how you approach life, especially social gatherings. By honouring yourself and how you move in life, you remain connected to your intuition, the whispers of your heart. You become more AUTHENTIC in life. This deepens your connection with what is truly important to you in Life. In this way.
Enjoy Life More
Every participant will leave that class with a renewed sense of vigour and joy for life.
In our day-to-day lives, our nervous systems are chronically under assault from the negative pressures we encounter and rarely have a chance to switch off. People live in chronic hostility, anger, anxiety, fear or depression. In the long run, this leads to serious health problems and unhappy, difficult lives.
Biodanza offers a safe space with a variety of music offered to encourage you to move and express… to help people tap into their innate sense of joy, self esteem and self confidence, creating feelings of connectedness and love for themselves and others.
Biodanza is a wonderful way to break out of the continuous cycle of pressure and stress created by the frantic pace of modern living and to balance this with moments of intense joy, freedom, release and pleasure.
Who Is It For?
The short answer? Everyone.
People of all ages, from all walks of life, can benefit from Biodanza classes. Singles, couples, stressed-out executives and children can draw immeasurable pleasure and wellbeing from regular Biodanza. There are no steps, you move in your own way. By honouring how you are feeling, you can self regulate your boogie and gain the maximum benefit.
How Does It Help?
You’ll leave your very first Biodanza class feeling happier, more relaxed, and more open to communication from and with others. The combination of music, dance and emotion sets the body’s chemistry in motion, bringing about a major biochemical and neurological rebalancing and resulting in a greater sense of well-being. For many people, this chemical rebalancing brings about profound changes in their lives.
Most Common Benefits:
Reduced Stress Levels &
Increased sense of Wellbeing
Stress is what happens when life starts to get on top of you. Whether it’s because of work, money, love, home life, or any number or combination of life’s pressures, we all experience stress at some point. Biodanza gives you a space in which to come back to yourself and regain your balance. It helps your sense of Wellbeing.
Better Relationships
The ability to communicate determines one’s relative success and happiness in life. It affects one’s progress at work, one’s ability to socialise, one’s level of domestic happiness and how one is perceived socially.
Through regular Biodanza classes, your ability to communicate deeply changes in subtle ways. You are more you. More confident. More able to know what you want and how to express it more easily. You are more AUTHENTIC, know what you want and are able to achieve it!